resource: material shift

instrumentation: solo percussion, assorted items, and electronics
duration: c. 11’00”
dedication: to Jasmine Tsui
premiere: July 1st, 2020 by Jasmine Tsui; 2020 Yarn|Wire Institute

resource: material shift was written in collaboration with Jasmine Tsui for the Online Yarn|Wire Institute. The written score was created as a result of transcribing and referring to guided improvisations performed by myself and Jasmine Tsui. This score is used in tandem with a headphone score written in SuperCollider. SuperCollider’s audio is split between the performer’s headphones (to provide instructions such as “Play Section 7” or “hit”) and the hidden speaker (providing additional sound in the performance such as sine tones and voice recordings) creating a coordination between the two, encouraging flexibility in timing within the overall structure, and reorienting events in the piece from performance to performance.