small ensemble
pause/so]It’s[ ]no[FUN — an as for mentioned for oboe, harp, and percussion, and signs (2022) — premiered by Daniel Hirshbein, Leila Jay Bishop, and Melody Tang
everywhere all ways — a moving place for clarinet, violin, violoncello, piano, electronics, and video (2021) — premiered by Unheard-of//Ensemble
Flashbulb | Proximity — an upcoming memory for piano quintet (2019) — premiered by Fifth House Ensemble
Recidivism — a reoccurrence for piano trio (2018) — premiered by Longleash
Linguistic Anthropology — a connecting text for soprano, bassoon, violoncello, double bass, and percussion (2018) — premiered by NMOP participants
Come To | Hypnic Jerk — a hazy jump for pierrot ensemble (2017) — premiered by AMF Contemporary Ensemble
Ta-Ka — a permanent amusement for 3 voices and string quartet (2015) — premiered by Illinois State University performers
General Considerations — a set of instructions when writing for 8 voices (2014) — premiered by Illinois State University performers
Stories From Outside The House — a reflecting fear for narrator, brass trio, and piano (2013) — premiered by Illinois State University performers
string quartet
entry in diary I don’t keep — a frantically nostalgic interaction for string quartet (2021) — recorded by JACK Quartet
D-Will, the chase-down block, and other orderly butterflies. — a chiastic map for string quartet (2019) — recorded by MIVOS Quartet
Punch-Drunk — a splintered recollection for string quartet (2018) — recorded by JACK Quartet
rerendered flipbook — a malfunctioning box for four stop motion percussionists (2020) — recorded by line upon line percussion + Cullyn D. Murphy
cycle24 — a dramatic instance of procrastination, mundanity, and hesitant joy for three percussionists, glassware, and boomboxes (2018) — premiered by line upon line percussion
hyperlink. — a palimpsestuous self for two internets (2021) — premiered by Wm. Riley Leitch + Cullyn D. Murphy
Back and Over — a reassembled sculpture for four audio objects and two performers (2020) — premiered by Hannah Standiford + Cullyn D. Murphy
DONTBESCARED — a retroactive warning for three blindfolded drawing performers (2019) — premiered by Dinner Party Ensemble
thisiswhatbigwordsarefor — an incommunicable correspondence for two performers (2018) — premiered by Laura Schwartz + Anna Knapp
Agony — a compacted broadcast for three performers (2018) — premiered by AmiEnsemble
contact for scores, questions, or any additional information
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